Signing ceremony Platform ERP with Continental Garments Ind Pvt. Ltd
I have invested a lot to implement foreign ERP Software but couldn’t Implement it. In last I imposed this decision on my team and after all the presentations from domestic software companies’ they found Platform ERP By Logic Software Limited is the best solution for Textile & RMG businesses.- Md. Muneer Hussain, Managing Director, Continental Garments Ind Pvt. Ltd
On 26th April 2022, the team of Continental Garments Ind Pvt. Ltd decided to replace foreign ERP (WFX)and implement Platform ERP by Logic Software Limited for their business automation.
On this great occasion Mr. Md. Muneer Hussain, Managing Director, Continental Garments Ind Pvt. Ltd and Mr. K.B. Mamoor, Managing Director, Logic Software Limited signed the agreement after having several presentations and after having a satisfactory review from various clients.
Both Management expected a smooth and effective journey through the implementation tenure of ERP.
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