We are living in an intensely inter-connected world. The standards of technology are the driving force for innovation and rapid marketing of new products and services. They are the keys to seamless integration and better security. We hope to keep making a difference, big or small, in all the lives we touch. Through our vision today, we hope to leave a legacy of helping others realize their vision tomorrow.

Platform ERP…a system that speaks
An Integrated Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile ERP
Since 2008, the Platform ERP… a system that speaks, an integrated web based ERP with unbeatable area of coverage, developed by Logic Software Ltd. has vested unparallel effort to automate the Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile sector of Bangladesh. Platform ERP has already covered the edge-to-edge area of business and operational process of Knit Composite, Woven and Sweaters Industry. The dynamic, versatile nature and customization facilities of Platform ERP introduced this system as an speak able system according to the demand of the user. The intelligence of Platform ERP able to visualize the roadmap and curves of presence and future prediction of business by which the deciders can draw the proper outline for the ultimate destination of company and business.

Platform ERP (Knit Composite)
The “Platform ERP” is a fully Web-based Solution for Textile and Readymade Garments (RMG) Sectors. “Platform ERP” has been developed based on the latest web-based technology. “Platform ERP” follow the process that exactly maintains in Bangladeshi Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile Companies, That’s why platform ERP has got the best impression in first look than other foreign solution
1. Marketing
2. Merchandising
3. Time and Action (TNA)
4. Work study /IE
5. Planning
6. Knitting Service Work Order:
7. Dyeing & Finishing Service Work Order
8. Commercial
9. Gate Management
10. Yarn Store
11. Knit Grey Fabric Production
12. Grey Fabric Store
13. Dyes and Chemical Store
14. Fabric Dyeing & Finishing Production
15. Finish Fabric Store
16. Trim Store
17. Garments Production
18. Material Control Dept. (MCD)
19. Central Store Management
20. Sample Garment Production
21. Subcontract Management

Platform ERP (Woven)
The “Platform ERP” is a fully Web-based Solution for Textile and Readymade Garments (RMG) Sectors. “Platform ERP” has been developed based on the latest web-based technology. “Platform ERP” follow the process that exactly maintains in Bangladeshi Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile Companies, That’s why platform ERP has got the best impression in first look than other foreign solution
1. Marketing
2. Merchandising
3. Time and Action (TNA)
4. Work study /IE
5. Planning
6. Commercial
7. Gate Management
8. Finish Fabric Store
9. Trims Store
10. Material Control Dept. (MCD)
11. Scrap Store
12. Sample Store
13. Garments Production
14. Subcontract Management
15. Sample Garment Production
16. Supply Chain Management

Platform ERP (Sweater)
The “Platform ERP” is a fully Web-based Solution for Textile and Readymade Garments (RMG) Sectors. “Platform ERP” has been developed based on the latest web-based technology. “Platform ERP” follow the process that exactly maintains in Bangladeshi Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile Companies, That’s why platform ERP has got the best impression in first look than other foreign solution
1. Marketing
2. Merchandising
3. Time and Action (TNA)
4. Commercial
5. Gate Management
6. Yarn Store
7. Finish Fabric Store
8. Trim Store
9. Production
10. Material Control Dept. (MCD)

Live React (Comprehensive Planning Board)
Live React, an integrated planning board specially designed only for Readymade Garments (RMG) operation. The integration feature of these planning tools has opened a new window for perfect planning by a planner while all relevant nature of the order, TNA, Work-study/IE, supply chain status, production status, manpower status to allocate the lines and machine status, are available to visualize. Moreover, the hourly strip splitting (Day Brake) facility will drive this planning board as per the management need. The planner’s plan reflection on Platform ERP from the board will help the management to peek or restrain the perfect or wrong plan before execution.
Features of Comprehensive Planning Board (Live React)
- Provides a fantastic ‘Birds Eye View’ of Orders and styles simultaneously
- Real Time Plan loading,fully Automated.
- Plan Parking Facility.
- Critical Path Management
- Real Time Reflection of each Sewing Plan in different modules of ERP.
- Real Time Reflection of Production status-making it Possible to anticipate bottle Necks
- In Built Plan Driven TNA & Automated Order Based TNA comparison
- Real time status of impute stock(cut panel trims & accessories.)
- Reflection and Comparison with factory capacity and running load.
- Integrated with IE-Work Study,with SMV and Efficiency Calculation.
- Flexible and user friendly planning process by drag & drop.
- Easy Pre-Planning & Re-Planning.

Smart Track (Mobile apps for ERP)
Smart Track a mobile application for Smart Users. This apps has designed to make your business on your hand. Important Reports, graphical status, approvals, notifications, barcode, and QR code for tracking production status, TNA status, financial status, and HR status are available to operate from this application which is directly connected with the Platform ERP. Smart Track is a lite version of ERP by which you can operate your operational and business process through your mobile.
Features of Smart Tracks Mobile Apps
- Graphical Data Presentation
- Real Time Dynamic Reporting System
- Push Notification
- Electronic Approval System
- Gray Fabric and Finish Fabric QC in 4 points System
- Finish Fabric roll received by cutting
- Garments Production
- Garments QC(Cutting, Sewing, Finishing)
- Gate Management(Gate Pass Entry, Gate Out Entry, Gate In Entry)
- All Challan Movement Tracking
- All Challan scanning facilites through QR or Barcode
- Real Time Query from anu point

VAT Platform (The easiest vat solutions ever you can get)
- Gain Rebate from Unknown and Complex Accounts
- Minimize unexpected penalty and other expenses by VAT authority reducing cost of doing business
- Frees up accounting manpower to attend to other business matters optimizing personnel resources
- Incorporate FIFO method in material consumptions of Web based automatic VAT accounting software
- Auto adjustment VAT & SD for Export Sales in mushak 9.1 (Note No. 31 and 41) with details calculation sheet
- Auto adjustment Rebate for reducing VAT rate Sales in mushak 9.1 (Note No. 27) with details calculation sheet
- Generate automatic 100+ reports (Mushak and Monthly Return Submission Form as like accurate NBR Bangla format & MIS and Analytical reports)
- Available 8,000+ records of HS Code, Service Code and Customize Code in software
- Simply and faster customization & configuration for any vertical business with VAT Rules and SRO compliance, Using Robotic Dynamic Programming Technology (RDPT)
- Ready interconnection with other software in use
1. Purchase
2. Inventory
3. Production
4. Sales
5. Accounts
6. Mushak Reports
7. MIS Reports
8. Audit
9. Backup
10. System Privilege

Platform HR (An ultimate HR payroll system)
The “HR & Payroll Solution” focused on complete human resource management, Attendance, etc. “HR & Payroll Solution” is a web-based solution that covers employee information, leaves, attendance, payroll. Our solution is also applicable to any kind of organization. More than 50 reports on the “HR & Payroll Solution”. More than 500 users using this software that has a good comment for this software. Check on the following in details about “HR & Payroll Solution”.
Features of “HRM & Payroll”
HR & Payroll Module
1. Employee Basic Information with
2. Expatriate Employee information
3. Employee Transfer Entry
4. Disciplinary Information
5. Employee Pick & Drop information
6. Policy Tagging With Employee
7.Resource Allocation
8.Visitor Tracker
9.Job Separation & Reactivation
10.Training Record Entry
11.Single & Group Increment Entry
12. Promotion Entry
13. Attendance Management
14. Define Holiday & Weekend
15. Online Leave management & Manual Leave Management
16. Roster Management ( Multi Shift Handle Facility)
17. Payment Management
18. Loan and Advance
User Access Control
User Setting.
Data base Backup Management.
User Prevalence.
Reader Configuration.

Platform PMS | An ultimate Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
The “HR & Payroll Solution” focused on complete human resource management, Attendance, etc. “HR & Payroll Solution” is a web-based solution that covers employee information, leaves, attendance, payroll. Our solution is also applicable to any kind of organization. More than 50 reports on the “HR & Payroll Solution”. More than 500 users using this software that has a good comment for this software. Check on the following in details about “HR & Payroll Solution”.
Features of “HRIS & Payroll”
HRIS & Payroll
1. Employee Basic Information with
2.Expatriate Employee information
3.Employee Transfer Entry
4. Disciplinary Information
5. Employee Pick & Drop information
6. Policy Tagging With Employee
7. Resource Allocation
8. Visitor Tracker
9. Job Separation & Reactivation
10. Training Record Entry
11. Single & Group Increment Entry
Online Leave management
Promotion Entry
Attendance Management
Define Holiday & Weekend
Manual Leave Management
Roster Management (Multi-Shift Handle Facility)
Payment Management
Loan and Advance

Platform Accounts (An intigrated financial accounting systems)
An integrated artifice system by which the financial accounting operation of an organization can be automated smartly and dynamically while it is inner-looped with the supply chain (commercial, material control department, procurement). Especially those who are using Platform ERP, are enjoying the journal pulling facilities of Platform Accounts. The versatile nature of this system has already created an acceptance to the financial decision-makers while it reduced the mass entry of all particular journals and specified the cost/benefit center-wise operation. Moreover, the central and interloped monitoring method has brought significant perfection to monitor all individual concern wise operation and balance for Group of Companies. Apart from the FIFO and LIFO method Platform Accounts able to handle the complex transactional system of Readymade Garments (RMG) and Textile sector.
- Chart of Accounts
- Budget
- a) Head Wise Entry
- b) Cost Center Wise Entry
- Journal Entry
- Accounts Receivable
- a) Sales Invoice Entry
- b) AR Adjustment
- Accounts Payable
- a) Purchase Invoice Entry
- b) AP Adjustment
- Voucher Approved
- Integration With Account System
- Forward dated Cheque Issue
- Year Closing
- Recurring Journal
- Checkbook Management

Platform Asset (Fixed Asset Management System)
To complete the financial accounting, optimize valuation, maintenance, and manage the asset and liabilities Platform Asset able to deliver the exact information are required to be. If your organization is being operated through Platform ERP then Platform Asset works as the ending point to realize the flavor of automation. Its integrated, notification or reminder provider and an archive to keep the exact estimate of fixed assets will lead an organization to complete the exact valuation, the compact financial part including all assets and liabilities.
- I. Asset Acquisition
- II. Land Details
- a) Land Position
- b) Civil Case
- III. Building Details
- a) Building Position
- b) Civil Case
- IV. Asset Placement
- V. Routine Service Schedule
- VI. Out Of Order Entry
- VII. Sending For Repair
- VII. Repair Back
- IX. Asset Transfer
- X. Vehicle Maintainance
- a) Fuel and Lubricant Consumption
- b) Kilometer Log
- XI. Disposal of Assets
- XII. Depreciation Process

Platform Marchant (An complete erp for buying house)
Buying house or Merchant House contributed a lot to spread the Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile sectors of Bangladesh. Within the harmony of time the Merchant Houses required to be automated to track all the activities either inhouse or in factory end. Buyer inquiries, price quotation, order confirmation, budgeting, TNA, quality and shipment schedule follow-up and meet the target line from buyer decided the progress, profit, reputation of a buying or merchant house. From the practical experiences the Platform Merchant has been designed and developed which is now a renowned and successful solutions to handle edge-to-edge operation of buying/merchant house. Many buying house are now using Platform Merchant with complete satisfaction while its easy to implement and use having the ultimate area of coverage.
1. Merchandising
2. Time and Action (TNA)
3. Commercial
4. Garments Production
5. Material Control Dept. (MCD)

Platform Spin (A compact Spinning ERP)
To cover the blend of end to end operational and business process of spinning industry individually or in composite concept, Platform Spin proved its ability to handle microlevel complex areas of carding, ring, auto cone and drawing. With the user friendly interface, integration, web based and versatile nature of this system make it an easy and smooth operational solution to automate spinning industry. Not only for Readymade Garments (RMG) & Textile sector but also a sector like jute mill can use this Platform Spin to transform their manual operation to an automated and smart industry.
- Order Received
- Job Card Preparation
- Production Entry
- Trims Delivery
- Gate Pass
- Bill Issue
- Payment Receive
- Inventory
- 1. Work Order
- 2. Material Received
- 3. Material Issue

Platform Trims (A complete ERP for Trims & Accessories)
Platform Trims, a complete ERP to automate the trims and accessories industries. The complex area of multiple job card preparation against a single order has been handled in the easiest way in Platform Trims to privileged the user’s demand. By using Platform Trims-advance, pro or initiator’s of this business can handle full process very easily, smartly from anywhere of the world by clicking his screen of smart device.
- Order Received
- Job Card Preparation
- Production Entry
- Trims Delivery
- Gate Pass
- Bill Issue
- Payment Receive
- Inventory
- 1. Work Order
- 2. Material Received
- 3. Material Issue

Platform HMS (Hospital Management System)
Logic Infotech Ltd especially deals with the sector of Health care, FMCG, Government Projects (RAB, Bangladesh Air Force, Bangladesh Army, BKMEA, RAJUK, etc.), Real Estate, Power Sector.
Edge to Edge Process
SL Module Platform HMS (Hospital Management System) 1 Out Patient Department (OPD) 1 OPD Registrations 2 OPD Appointment 3 OPD Consultation 4 OPD Cash Counter 5 OPD Doctor’s Prescription 6 OPD Nurse Station 2 Doctor’s Schedule Rostering 3 Diagnostic System 1 Diagnostics Configuration 1 Exam Setup 2 Exam, Attribute, Ref. Value, Analyzer, etc. 3 Exam Steps 4 Company Wise Item Rate Setup 5 Pathology Word Template Setup 6 Pathology Configuration 7 Imaging Radiology Template Setup 8 Imaging Radiology Configuration 9 Doctor wise Imaging & Radiology Template Setup 10 Doctor Setup 11 Ref. Doc Commission Setup 12 Doctor Digital signature Setup 13 Discount Policy Setup 14 0 Code Referral Person 15 Marketing Officer setup 16 Referral Doctor Merge 17 MKT Officer Target Setup 18 MKT Officer Incentive Setup 19 Working Share Policy Setup 20 Report Delivery Time 2 Diagnostic Services 1 Order status/Money Receipt/Order Report 2 Investigation Status 3 Invoice Report 4 Referral Update 5 Pathology Report Process 6 Imaging Report Process 7 Pending Report Information 8 Report Print From Delivery 9 Report Delivery 10 Manual Report Receive 11 Test wise Invoice List 12 Referral D. Supports organization-wide and user-specific short forms that behave like intelligence to assist faster reporting E. View reports in PDF format before signing-off F. Supports advanced search of finished reports based on date, procedures, study type, hospital etc. G. Report layout template customizable per hospital/ center H. Supports digitally signing the reports and embedded signatures 5 DICOM Export (CD/DVD Writer) 6 HL7 Broker 7 Dashboard S RIS Schedule A. Supports centralized scheduling of patients to multiple modalities and locations / sites /centers / hospitals B. Workflow supports schedule tracking, cancellation, appointment clashes, maintenance windows and center holidays C. Generates DICOM-compatible modality worklist D. Supports MPPS (Modality Performed Procedure Step) 9 Work List Management 3 Billing 1 Order Entry 2 Order Entry (Service) 3 Refund 4 Due Collection 5 Order Cancel 6 Post Order Exam Add 7 Post Order Exam Cancel 8 Post Order Status Change 9 Referral Rearrange 10 Post Order Referral Change 11 Patient Demography Modification 12 Money Receipt 4 Pathology 1 Sample Collection 2 Sample Processing 3 Sample Receive At Lab 4 Laboratory Result Entry 5 Internal Lab Entry 6 Lab Information Edit 7 Step Cancellation 8 Pathology Result Finalizing (Doctor) 5 Radiology & Imaging 1 Billing 2 Radiology Result Entry 3 Report Process 4 Due Collection 5 Report Delivery 4 Bidirectional Integration with LAB Analyzer 5 Diet & Kitchen / Cafeteria 1 DK Configuration 1 DK Item Setup 2 DK Category 2 DK Services 1 POS Invoice
2 Due Collection 3 POS Invoice Item Add 4 POS invoice Item Cancel 5 POS Invoice Cancel 6 Cafeteria Clearance 7 Invoice Report 8 Invoice Hide & Restore 6 Doctor’s Referral System 7 Ambulance Services 1 Configuration 2 Services 8 SMS Care 9 In Patient Department 1 IPD Configuration 2 Registration & Admission 3 IPD Nurse Station 4 IPD Services 5 IPD Business Office / Billing 10 OT 1 Configuration 1 OT Setup 2 OT Services Setup 3 Anthologist Setup 4 Surgeon Setup 5 OT Nurse Setup 2 Services 1 OT Doctors Scheduling & Rostering 2 Pre OT Preparation 3 Post OT Preparation 4 OT Booking & Appointment 5 Financial Draft & Final 6 OT Services 7 OT Note 8 OT Services Add I OT Services Cancel 11 Blood Bank 12 Package 1 Configuration 2 Services 13 Corporate Client 1 Configuration 2 Services 14 Health Checkup 1 Configuration I Check UP Data Update 2 Health Checkup Setup 3 Patient History Setup 2 Services 1 Health Checkup Worklist 2 Health Checkup Result Entry 3 Health Card Entry 4 Health Card Template 15 Vaccination Services 1 Configuration 2 Services 16 Integrated Accounts 1 Accounts Contra Ledger Setup
1 2 Accounts Head Mapping Hospital Transaction 3 Chart Of Accounts (Backup) 4 Chart Of Accounts Mapping 5 Chart Of Accounts 6 Accounts Item Map 2 Accounts Services 1 Daily Transaction 2 Finalizing Transaction Edit 3 Transaction Cancel 4 Transaction Drafts 5 Sales Collection 6 Sample Transaction 7 Transaction Search 17 HR & Payroll 1 Loan Management System 2 Provident Fund Management 3 Well Fare Fund Management 4 Employee Database 5 CV Bank 6 Online Application for vacant Position 7 HR/Selection Process 1 Interview 2 Marking 3 Selection 4 Appointment 8 HR Planning & Dash Board 9 HR Organogram 10 Leave Management 11 HR Schedule & Roaster 12 Duty Handover/Transfer 13 Attendance 1 Online Leave 2 Approval of Leave 14 Payroll 1 Employee Pay Slip— Bank 2 Employee Pay Slip— Cash 3 Employee Salary Top Sheet 4 Employee Salary Statement 5 Bank Forwarding Letter 6 Salary Certificate 15 Man Power Requisition 16 Increment Management System 1 Due Increment (Date Range ) 2 Increment Sheet 3 Increment Preparation 4 Increment Approval 5 Notification (Award Letter) 17 Promotion Management System 1 Due Promotion List (Date Range) 18 Job Card 19 Employee Confirmation Pending List 20 Fraction Month Salary Process 21 Bonus Process 22 Manual Over Time (OT) 23 Employee Transfer 24 Advance Salary Process 25 Department wise Attendance Analysis 26 Employee Policy 18 Pharmacy Management System 1 Pharmacy Configuration 1 Pharmacy Setup 2 Medicine Reorder Level 3 Medicine Setup 4 Store Approval Authority 5 Medicine Setup (Price) 6 Supplier Quotes 7 Generic Setup 8 Manufacturer /Supplier Setup 9 Medicine Code Barcode Print 2 Pharmacy Services 1 Opening Stock 2 Stock Reconciliation add 3 Stock Reconciliation Subtract 4 Internal Indent Unapproved 5 Internal Indent 6 Store Transfer 7 Department Indent 8 Internal Item Return 9 Store transfer Receive 10 Internal Return Receive 11 Item Stock 12 Department Consumption 13 Nurse Station Consumption 14 IPD Consumption 15 IPD Medicine Return 3 Pharmacy Billing 1 POS 2 Credit Collection 3 Credit Collection name 4 IPD Due Collection 5 IPD invoice Cancel 6 IPD post Invoice Item Cancel 7 Post Invoice Item Cancel 8 Department Issue 9 Invoice Cancel 10 Invoice Report 11 IPD Issue 12 IPD Pharmacy Bill Summary 4 Pharmacy Purchase 1 Pharmacy Requisition 2 Pharmacy Requisition Indoor 3 Pharmacy Order Generate 4 Pharmacy Order Approved 5 Update M RP, Batch & Expire Date 6 Good Received Note (GRN) 7 Update Purchase Order Price 8 Purchase Return 9 Good Receive Note (GRN) Without PO 10 Purchase Return Receive 11 Bonus Receive 19 Material Management 1 MM Configuration
1 Store Approval Authority 2 MSU Item Manufacturer/Supplier 3 MSU Item Setup 4 Reagent Item Setup 2 MM Services 1 Reagent Stock Generate 2 Department Consumption Search 3 Supplier Quotes 4 Opening Stock 5 Store Transfer 6 Store Transfer Receive 7 Internal Issue Approve 8 Internal Indent 9 Internal Issue 10 Internal Issue Return 11 Department Consumption 12 Internal Return Receive 13 Internal Receive 14 Item Stock 3 MM Purchase 1 Purchased order Approved 2 Purchase Requisition 3 Stock Reconciliation Add 4 Stock Reconciliation Subtract 5 Purchase Order Generate 6 Purchase Order Generate Quotes 7 Purchase Receive Without PO 8 Purchase Receive 9 Purchase Return Receive 10 Update Purchase Order Price 11 Update Batch & expire Date 12 Purchase Receive M. SUPP 13 Purchase Receive Without PO Batch 14 Purchase Received Unapproved Option 15 Purchase Receive Batch 16 Purchase Return 4 Inventory 5 Procurement 20 Emergency 21 Day Care Management 22 Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) 23 Housekeeping and Laundry 24 Electronic Medical Record 25 Fixed Asset Management 26 Security & Access Control 1 Settings 1 Organization 2 Configuration 3 Business Area 4 Business Calendar 5 External User 6 Menu Title 7 ID Generation 8 Multi-currency Setup 9 Alert 10 Without Tax Setup 11 Business unit/Department 12 Job title / Designation 13 Location Setup 14 Item Setup 15 Desktop Setting 16 Vat Registration 2 Security 1 user List 2 User roles 3 Access Control 4 Cash chamber setup 5 Approval Authority 6 Access Profile 7 User External Privilege 8 IPD User Privilege 9 User wise Default Lab Setting 10 User Wise Collection Group 27 Management Information System (MIS) 1 Audit Log 2 Revenue Report 3 Transaction Report 28 Information Desk 29 Online Appointment 30 Online Information 31 Picture archiving and communication system (PACS) 1 PACS Viewer 2 Modality Worklist 3 DICOM Interface 4 Radiology Reporting A. Rich-text word-like reporting B. Ability to launch integrated viewer for current study and priors C. Enables easy reporting using content templates (macros)

Platform Genikos (An ultimate ERP for all business)
Platform Genikos, an innovation by Logic InfoTech Ltd. for industrial and business automation all vertical of business whether it is large, medium or small. The compatibility nature (integrated accounts and applications systems) of this Platform Genikos, will introduce a new Era of automated business process which will lead your industry face Industry 4.0. Various industries of Health care, FMCG, Government Projects (RAB, Bangladesh Air Force, BKMEA, RAJUK, etc.), Real Estate, Power Sector. have enjoyed the journey of process automation through an integrated software with edge to edge coverage software named ‘Platform Genikos.’