Platform Asset – Fixed Asset Management System
To complete the financial accounting, optimize valuation, maintenance, and manage the asset and liabilities Platform Asset able to deliver the exact information are required to be. If your organization is being operated through Platform ERP then Platform Asset works as the ending point to realize the flavor of automation. Its integrated, notification or reminder provider and an archive to keep the exact estimate of fixed assets will lead an organization to complete the exact valuation, the compact financial part including all assets and liabilities.
- I. Asset Acquisition
- II. Land Details
- a) Land Position
- b) Civil Case
- III. Building Details
- a) Building Position
- b) Civil Case
- IV. Asset Placement
- V. Routine Service Schedule
- VI. Out Of Order Entry
- VII. Sending For Repair
- VII. Repair Back
- IX. Asset Transfer
- X. Vehicle Maintainance
- a) Fuel and Lubricant Consumption
- b) Kilometer Log
- XI. Disposal of Assets
- XII. Depreciation Process